Shoulder the Load: A No-BS Guide to Building Beastly Side Delts

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Listen up, aspiring shoulder titans. I’m here to drop some knowledge bombs about building those side delts that’ll make doorways fear you. Now, I’ve spent more time under a barbell than most people spend binge-watching their favorite shows, so trust me when I say: I know a thing or two about crafting shoulders that can carry the weight of your fitness goals (and maybe your ego, too).

Key Takeaways

Before we dive deep into deltoid territory, let’s hit you with the cliff notes:


  • Compound moves like the standing overhead press are your bread and butter for overall shoulder development. They’re the multitaskers of the shoulder world.
  • Isolation exercises (looking at you, lateral raises) are your secret weapons for targeting those side delts with sniper-like precision.
  • Proper form isn’t just a suggestion – it’s as crucial as remembering leg day. No ego lifting allowed.
  • Mix it up like a DJ at a fitness rave. Variety in exercises, rep ranges, and weights is key to keeping those delts guessing and growing.
  • Recovery isn’t just for wimps. Proper nutrition and sleep are the unsung heroes of shoulder gains.

Got it? Good. Now let’s get into the meat and potatoes of building those boulders.

Table of Contents

The Side Delt Lowdown

First things first, let’s talk anatomy. Your side delts, or lateral deltoids, are the muscle equivalent of your wingmen at a club – they’re there to make you look wider and more impressive. Located on the outer part of your shoulder, these bad boys are responsible for lifting your arms out to the side. Develop them right, and you’ll have shoulders so wide, you’ll need to turn sideways to get through doors. #ShoulderGoals

Shoulder Anatomy

The Heavy Hitters: Top Side Delt Exercises

Standing Overhead Press

This ain’t your grandma’s shoulder press. We’re talking about the king of compound shoulder exercises. It’s like trying to push the sky – tough, but damn effective.


Pro Tip: Slight lean back, elbows forward, and press that weight like you’re trying to high-five the heavens.

Upright Rows

Think of this as the multitasker of shoulder exercises. It hits your side delts, traps, and biceps like a boss. It’s the exercise equivalent of killing three birds with one stone (but please, don’t actually throw stones at birds).


Technique Talk: Keep that bar close to your body like it owes you money, and get those elbows higher than your ego.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

If isolation exercises were a party, lateral raises would be the VIP. This move targets your side delts with the precision of a sniper.


Form Check: Slight bend in the elbows, raise those arms like you’re a majestic eagle spreading its wings. Just don’t actually try to fly – trust me on this one.

The Supporting Cast

  • Arnold Press: Named after the Terminator himself. Coincidence? I think not.
  • Machine Shoulder Press: For when you want to feel like you’re in a sci-fi movie while building those delts.
  • Cable Lateral Raises: Constant tension, constant gains. It’s science, baby.
  • Reverse Flyes: Because neglecting your rear delts is like skipping leg day – just don’t.
A person lifting a barbell

The "Make Your Delts Cry" Workout Routine

Here’s a routine that’ll have your side delts begging for mercy:


Standing Overhead Press44-62-3 min
Upright Rows36-890 sec
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises48-1260 sec
Cable Lateral Raises312-1545 sec

Do this 1-2 times a week. Any more, and your shoulders might file for emancipation.

The Secret Sauce: Training Tips

  • Form is King: Cheating reps is like using Comic Sans on your resume – it might seem like a good idea, but it’s not fooling anyone and it’s definitely not helping.
  • Mix It Up: Variety is the spice of life, and the key to shoulder gains. Switch exercises, rep ranges, and weights like you’re changing channels on a Friday night.
  • Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight or reps. Your delts should be constantly wondering, “What fresh hell is this?”

Fuel the Fire: Nutrition and Recovery

Eating right is half the battle. Aim for about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Think of it as building blocks for your shoulder fortress.


And for the love of all that is holy, get some sleep. 7-9 hours a night. Your muscles grow when you’re catching Z’s, not when you’re catching Pokemon.

Adaptive Workout Builder
Adaptive Workout Builder

Stop wasting your time without a plan

Use our Adaptive Wokrout Builder to create 12-week periodized training programs. 

  • Personalized training programs based on user input.
  • Customizable workouts targeting specific goals.
  • Dynamic adjustments to workouts as progress is tracked.
  • Options to request technique tips and exercise substitutions.
  • Insights into training volume, intensity, and other metrics.

The Last Rep

There you have it, folks – the no-nonsense guide to building side delts that’ll make Atlas jealous. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are boulder shoulders. Stay consistent, keep pushing, and before you know it, you’ll be turning heads faster than a tennis match.


Now get out there and make those delts delt-icious. (Yeah, I said it. Deal with it.)

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